Thursday, June 25, 2009

Art Project: Postcard Journals

I have been collecting postcards since I was in second grade.

I keep them in an old Lisa Frank pencil box in the back of my closet.

Over the years I've accumulated an quite interesting assortment - including one from Paris sent by my German pen pal Yoschi, several from Hawaii vacations taken by Auntie Mame, and one from Honduras sent by one of my best friends in second grade Megan Finnerty.

Every three years or so, when I decided to clean out my closet, I find this curious box filled with my postcards, and I always wish that I had a way to enjoy them more often.

Yesterday, Design*Sponge the had the best project: Postcard Journals!

What a brilliant idea!

They're super simple to make and look beautiful.

Now I can turn some of my favorite postcards into journals for myself or make some pretty sweet gifts for friends and family members.


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