Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Is a Maxi a MuuMuu?

I hope blog post numero dos doesn't disappoint my very loyal and vocal readers. Bear with me until we get this thing going a bit...Mia Moda will have its own VOICE!

Recent Ponder:

I absolutely LOVE my maxi dress. (Elegance made casual...anyone?Anyone?) It's literally the only thing I feel like wearing. It's cool, it's comfortable, and it's simple.

The trick is to start wearing it over the weekend. Be sure to socialize with DIFFERENT people on Saturday and Sunday. Then you can wear it again Monday at work. hehehe...the only person who will know your secret is a very loving boyfriend who doesn't seem too perturbed by it :-)

I used to do this in college.
Who knew it would also work in post-bacchalorete life?

This little dress is a daily topic of conversation in the office - how much we enjoy wearing this long, luxurious, cotton dress. I have even been trying to convince my male co-worker that he should wear one...remember Claude, the scooba instructor in "Along Came Polly?" He sexily sported one of these babies...

My one hindrance is this: is my beloved Maxi dress really just a glorified Muumuu? You will have to decide for yourself.

So point being, you can't go through summer without getting one of these dresses.

You will not regret it...

Yes, this mean you too Jessica Thacher. Break down and go buy one.


Unknown said...

Let it be known that your male co-worker will not be dressing like Claude.

Unknown said...

HAAAAAAAAAAAA. Mia, you know me so well. I was browsing through gap body and was coveting their floor-length cotton numbers and regretting that I could not afford to spend $50 on a bathing suit cover up. A couple of thoughts/questions:
1)Is Maxi the universal term for these dresses, or is that a Roxy name?
2)I don't think I'm trendy enought to sport a "maxi" anywhere but beach/pool/lake, though i am a fan of cotton and comfort.
3)Any job that allows you to wear something bordering on a muumuu is a keeper.

Mia said...

Hey Jess,

1) Maxi is the universal term for the dress...I found out from a discussion with another female co-worker that it comes from the term "Maximum" dress - as opposed to the "Mini" skirt. (Not Maxi pad which is what I thought)

Interesting, right?

2) Anyone can wear maxi dresses

3) You're absolutely right!

Liz said...

Mia! That makes so much sense! :) I should have known that working at Nordies! lol. I love Maxi dresses. They are so cute and comfortable!

Kristin said...

Yay you have a blog!

You've sold me on the maxi. Do you think one would hold up backpacking Europe? I kind of like the idea of bringing two dresses and nothing else. :) I know I'll end up in grungy jeans every day.. but a maxi would be so breezy and photogenic...hmm.

Mia said...

Hey Kristin!

I think it would be the perfect item for backpacking! Easy outfit :-)

Viva La Europa!

billyj said...

This blog is so informative!

Katherine said...

I was wearing my maxi dress last Friday, (which is one that the dear author of this blogs owns as well!) and i was thinking how much I adored wearing it since it made me feel so feminine and comfortable. I think I'm going to buy several more!

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